Little work involved: "set it and forget it".Stripe and PayPal are examples of services you can use to accept donations.

* "personal effort" notes when a funding effort was led by an individual, not a project Donation button TRANSLATIONS: Traditional Chinese(繁體中文) // Simplified Chinese(簡體中文) // Italian(italiano) // Japanese(日本語) // Russian(русский) Start a project while currently employedĪPPENDIX: Contributing to this guide // License & attribution.Get hired by a company to work on project.Someone else might do consulting and also have a donation button. For example, a project might have a foundation but also use crowdfunding to raise money. The categories are not mutually exclusive. Each funding category links to several real examples (using topical articles or pages wherever possible instead of just a project's homepage.) The list below is roughly ordered from small to large. Hopefully, projects and contributors will find this helpful in figuring out the best options for them. This document aims to provide an exhaustive list of all the ways that people get paid for open source work. "I do open source work, how do I find funding?" A handy guide to financial support for open source.